SQLSailor is exploring(Part3) – Designing SQL Databases on Windows Azure

This post is in continuation with my earlier posts

SQLSailor is exploring(Part1) – Creating my first SQL Database on Windows Azure

SQLSailor is exploring(Part 2) – Managing SQL Databases on Windows Azure

In this post we will check out how to design a SQL Database which is on Windows Azure.

Once the database is created we have the Manage button to start working on administration and design of the database (As mentioned in the earlier posts)

Clicking on Manage button will route us to another page where in we will have to enter the credentials(Set during database creation)

Once the credentials are validated we will have a page where in we can choose the design option.

Let’s start building a table for the database MySQLDatabase which we have already created earlier.

We have the option called New table which will help us to start designing the tables and the columns.

We can specify the table name, start building the columns, set Primary key, set Default values, specify Is Identity, Is Required etc.

Once the required details have been filled in we have the option to Save the structure.

We have the option to create and manage the indexes too. The Indexes and Keys section will display the existing indexes and we have the option to create new ones too.

Creating an index is also pretty easy and we have some advanced options like Auto Update Stats and Rebuild Index Online.

Once the database and table is ready, we will need some data to do some DML operation. We can insert some data via the Data section.

The portal is pretty smart as it does validation the same time you are entering the data.


Designing the tables,indexes,relations etc are really easy via the portal and we saw some real time validations too.

I will write about some DML operations during the coming days and there some exciting stuff coming up too.Please stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.

3 thoughts on “SQLSailor is exploring(Part3) – Designing SQL Databases on Windows Azure

  1. Pingback: SQLSailor is exploring(Part4) – Basic DML,DDL operations with SQL Databases on Windows Azure | SQLSailor

  2. Pingback: SQLSailor is exploring(Part5) – SQLDatabase Dashboard on Windows Azure | SQLSailor

  3. Pingback: SQLSailor is exploring(Part6) – Understanding firewall concepts for SQLDatabase on Windows Azure | SQLSailor

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