Can I still buy per socket licenses for installing SQL2008 R2 ?

Many times I have seen this question coming from users – Can I still buy per socket licenses for installing SQL2008 R2 ? 

This question comes into the mind as SQL 2012 is already out and there is no more per socket based licensing model for the same.SQL2012 licensing is completely revamped.






I decided to write about this today after putting some good amount of research on this specific requirement.

The answer to the question is  – No, Users cannot buy per socket licenses now and they will need to buy SQL 2012 licensing options and can use them to install SQL2008 R2 per requirement.

As per my discussion with a sales specialist buying SQL2012 licensing models and using them to install SQL2008 R2 is a downgrade option and I would definitely recommend readers to contact your licensing representative for a final confirmation on the exact rules.

SQL Server 2012 comes out with core based model for both Enterprise and Standard Editions.

Standard Edition also offers Server + CAL model and BI Edition comes with only Server + CAL.


Moving on to core based model was a big change from licensing perspective and after putting some good amount of research I understand that going forward there won’t be any per socket based purchases allowed for SQL Server Installs.

Initially when SQL2012 was about to launch there was lot of confusion going around with core based licensing and its rules.We now have completed 3 months after the RTM launch and things looks pretty much streamlined.

Feel free to pass on your comments on this very specific scenario,and I will be more than glad to update this blog post with all your comments and feedback.

Thanks for reading.